To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Evangelism Necessities- My Reminder

I’ve really blown it number of times with evangelism, talking more about an organization than Jesus, discussing false doctrine and such.  But I continue to reflect and hoping for different opportunities.

A while back ago I had the privilege of talking with some Mormons.  I wish more would come knocking as I love to discuss faith.  But I made some big mistakes.  I let them share their message and after that, there was little time to share the gospel.  I could have but I was so astonished at some of the things they believed – that baptism could only come through the hierarchy as Jesus was baptized by John, that the son, moon and stars of 1 Cor 14 they said were the three tiers of heaven, and Elder Freeman even told me that “there are no contradictions at all between the Bible and Mormonism.”  Did he not know the Mormon 8th article of faith?  Had he never read the Bible?  NOTHING is the same.

I was able to give them a tract (here-use it as you can).  And as I was leaving I challenged them to read the Bible but they were packing up and heading out, not sure if they heard.

But as I was reflecting on this I realize that there are 3 things that should be a part of every evangelistic encounter according to Scripture.

1) The Sharing of the gospel message (Rev 12:11 – blood of the lamb)
2) The sharing of key verses to support the gospel message  (Heb 4:12 – Word of God is powerful)
3) Your Testimony (Rev 12:11 – word of testimony)

Forgot arguing about false doctrines.  If you haven’t shared these three, you are missing the mark.  Don’t get distracted.  Make sure the gospel is shred, the gospel of grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9) as that is the unique marker of the Christian life.   This hits the spirit.  Then share verses like Eph 2:8-9 as that hits the mind.  Then share your testimony which hits the heart.  Distraction over doctrine will come.  Redirect back to the message of the gospel that comes in the Word, and then if possible, get them a New Testament.  Encourage them to start in John.  At any rate challenge them to read the Scripture for themselves.

I pray for elders Freeman and Brown and hope you can too.  And I hope next time I won’t take the bait and get distracted but rather take the opportunity to share the gospel.  Lord, hoping for another chance.

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