It was Because of His Boldness – Luke 11:5-13

Imagine your whole household is asleep and your friend comes knocking on the door. There’s no way to not wake up the whole house and have to do the work of cranky kids and getting everyone to go back to sleep.

But here’s the thing. His friend came knowing all this. His friend came to him with boldness. His friend put his trust in him. How could he say no?

So he gave him what he asked for in his hour of need.

God invites us to do the same. It’s not that we need to be God. But it’s that He is honored by our trust in Him and our boldness.

God wants to give good gifts to his children. Does this mean we can be persistent in asking for a lamborhini? Look at the text.

The text says God will be generous with the Holy Spirit. Why the Holy Spirit?

Because the Spirit gives us direction and understanding and help in our hour of need.

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