Hope for Well-Intentioned Failures – Luke 22:31-62

Peter loved Jesus but he blew it every time. It was humbling.

Jesus even went to so far as to say that Peter would deny him 3 times.


It wasn’t much later that soldiers, the servants of the high priest and others came to arrest Jesus. Jesus had just told them to get a sword and now this.

Peter might have just wanted to prove how much he loved Jesus, so he took out his sword and struck the servant. Jesus told him to put his sword ahead, then Jesus healed the man.

Peter was confused and embarrassed. Didn’t this prove his love? That he was willing to go to battle and even die for his rabbi? Hadn’t Jesus just told them to get a sword?

Certainly he proved he wasn’t going to deny him. It seemed the test was over and he somewhat passed the test, although he failed.

But then Jesus was arrested. And all the disciples ran off.

Peter snuck into the courtyard to warm himself by the fire and follow the proceedings. It was there that he was identified.

Peter denied knowing Jesus.

After the third time, the cock crowed.

A Bible researcher discovered that this wasn’t an actual rooster. But it was the cockcrow of the trumpet that sounded the changing of the guard for the morning shift. It was called the “cockrow.”

Regardless, the cockcrow sounded and Peter realized he had done exactly what Jesus said he was going to do – deny him three times.

Peter. Was. Devastated.

In his friend’s darkest moments, he kept blowing it. First when he cut of the servant’s ear, then when we ran away with the others, and lastly in the courtyard where he flat out denied Jesus.

You would think Jesus would give up on Peter. To label him as a lost cause. He just fumbled too much to be trusted with something so great.

But actually failure is oftentimes the best qualifier. It brings knowledge and humility.

And Peter was humbled.

We will read in the book of John where Jesus both confronted Peter for his betrayal and in the same breath, restored and commissioned him. There was grace, forgiveness, restoration and purpose.

There is great hope for those who love well but keep stumbling.

Don’t give up.

Just keep following Jesus.


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