Are Only a Few People Going to be Saved? Luke 12:35-13:30

That was their question. And Jesus did not answer in a comfortable way.

Really? They were on a first-name basis.

But look at WHY Jesus says he does not know them.

“Away from me you evildoers.”

You cannot claim to know Christ and participate in wickedness. You cannot claim to know Christ but have no repentance. He’s already been talking about this. Look how the chapter opens (Luke 13:1-9).

Do you see the theme and the parallels here? In this story they are saying that the Galileans who were killed because a tower fell on them must have been greater sinners. Jesus says it doesn’t matter, all need to repent. Including them.

Then he comes to a tree and talks about the fig tree bearing fruit. When it doesn’t after years, and if there’s even more mercy and grace, then at some point it will be cut down. This is very much like when John the Baptist in Matthew 3 says that any tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down.

Is this, then, works salvation?

Not at all. Salvation is in Christ alone. That’s it. But if you have truly repented and turned to Christ, you will not continue in wickedness. You will, with the help of the Holy Spirit, leave sin behind. It’s not that you won’t stumble, but you will be en route.

So then does this mean keeping all the law?

Not the way they understood the law. We see this when Jesus tells them next about a woman he healed on the Sabbath and in the synagogue. She had suffered for 18 years! Yet when he healed her, they were furious. Because he had healed on the Sabbath and that was “work.”

They didn’t understand that the law was about righteousness and holiness and love. It was truth and love. It wasn’t just laws and ordinances.

Back to the narrow door. Jesus closes with this:

The people thought that they had an edge being Jewish. And in some ways they did. They were the covenant people. They had the Scriptures. They had the knowledge of God’s ways. And…

they had no excuses for not knowing and live righteously.

Basically what Jesus is saying here is that there will be Gentiles in heaven and you will not be. They will be saved but you might not. So don’t play games with God.

As he had said what we read about in chapter 12.

Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning…You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Luke 12:35, 40).

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