Atheism and Unanswered Prayer – Luke 22:39-46

Is “unanswered prayer” really unanswered prayer or God not doing what we want Him to do?

I met someone this past week who is an immovable atheist. He is certain there is no God. When pressed as to the origin of life, he cited the Big Bang and asteroids. So I asked him where the material from the Big Bang came from and he said it just was.

He also said that there was no flood. When pressed about the fossils found in the center of land masses, he said it was asteroids. ?? Asteroids bring destruction, not preservation and fossilization.

Then I asked him when he decided to become an atheist. It was clear at that point.

Because there are truly only 3 kinds of atheists.

1) Soured atheists – People who did not get their answer when they prayed for good things – like the saving of one they love from a terrible illness, getting pregnant when they are infertile or some other really good prayer request. Either that or they’ve been hurt by religious people and hypocrites in the church.

2) Secondary atheists – Those who take up the offense of soured atheists and those they love who were hurt.

3) Social atheists – Those who follow the latest trend socially. They pick it up along with the tag lines such as, “there’s no evidence.”

It makes me think of Jesus in this moment in the garden of Gethsemane. He is praying for something really good – that he will not have to suffer and die the most horrible death man could create. We don’t know specifically God’s response. Maybe it was just silence. But we know that when Jesus prayed, the Father did not give him another way (Luke 22:39-45).

Not only was Jesus exceedingly sorrowful, God did not do what Jesus pleaded with him to do. In today’s world, we would call this, “unanswered prayer.”

It wasn’t that God did not answer his prayer, but that the answer was “no.” What we call unanswered prayer today is mainly us praying for something really good, and then not getting it.

Jesus understood that. He prayed for something good, and he did not get it.

At this point many a human abandons God. If God doesn’t answer a prayer for something good and important, then he isn’t God. Or he isn’t good.

But here’s the thing. We have free-will and that means harm is possible between us. If God intervenes in every situations, there’s no free will.

We also have sin in the world. That sin is in us and among us. That sin also affects our health and this world we live in. We can’t get away from it.

Then there’s the reality that the picture God has bigger than ours. He answers prayer with that bigger picture in mind. Sometimes it’s larger than us. We do not see it all.

At the end of the day though God makes all things right in heaven. This world is the place of sin, rebellion, and more. It’s not the end of the story.

All this to say that Jesus himself did not use the excuse of “unanswered prayer” to become bitter towards God and reject him.

The same can be said about religious hypocrites. So many leave because of hypocrites. But if anyone knows the pain of religious hypcrosiy, it was Jesus. He himself was crucified from religious leaders. They were the ones who demanded his death.

He had scathing things to say about religious hypocrites. But it did not sour him from the faith or turn him away from God. Or he would become one himself.

Jesus understood “unanswered prayer” if you want to call it that, and religious hypocrisy. So it really isn’t a valid excuse as Jesus has been there, done that.

And for secondary atheists, Jesus will judge us alone. He holds each of us responsible. The truth is most secondary atheists are trying to please another person such as their friend, family or spouse. There is often a subtle cowardice and man-pleasing there rather than standing on one’s own convictions.

Then there’s the social atheists. We are more than ever subject to the winds of change based on social media, the news we follow and political affiliation. Literally I can tell how people interpret the Bible based on their political affiliation more than the church they attend or any other factor. We are a world that has become tribal in its theology. It isn’t good.

When it comes to theists and atheists, it boils down to intent.

The heart that truly is seeking for God will find Him. And nothing will come in their way.

And the heart that is looking to not believe will find that too.

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