It's why the Jews have had such trouble believing he is the Messiah (among a number of things). ...
Rules of Engagement in War – Deut 20:10-11
"When you approach a city to fight against it, you must make an offer of peace. If it accepts...
When a Witness Lies on the Witness Stand – Deut 18-19
One of the things God hates is a lying witness (Prov 6:16-19). Hates. But what happens when...
Dear Harry Potter Fans. No. – Deut 18:9-14
Dear ones, stop reading Harry Potter or anything like it. We are in a day and time when if it is...
Rules for World Leaders – Deut 18:14-20
When Israel complained to God that they wanted to set a king over them like the other nations, God...
Bribes – What to Do? Deut 16:19
I have spent time in countries that are basically run on bribes. In fact, in some of the...
Oh, the Joy of Deliverance! (Taking the Passion More Seriously)- Deut 16
You better believe that after 400 years of desperate prayers, 400 years of harsh slavery, 400...
No More Poor & Understanding Our Times- Deut 15
I have a friend of mine who works in a homeless center. They are atypical in that they don't give...
Tithing (Including the ‘Alcohol-Included’ Biblical Party) – Deut 14:24-26
I'm so glad tithing was put into my heart at a young age. It has been for the most part natural...
The Reality Check – Deut 9
God blesses us, not because of our righteousness but because of His covenant. I was talking to a...