Every seed contains the mystery of life...so too the seed of the gospel.
It’s Not Enough to be Challenged
Don't just be challenged. Change Prayer from Joy Dawson
Motivation’s Fuel – 2 Cor 5:14
It is the "love of Christ" that compels us, not the love for Christ. In other words, we don't live...
The View from the Truth
I'm not set aside, I'm set apart.
Green Grass
. When the grass appears greener on the other side of the fence, it's usually because my own grass...
The Motion of People
. . . People move by inspiration greater than they do obligation. . . .
Seasons Change
Winter does not last forever, even though it seems that way.
The Gift to the Broken
"There is an intimacy found in the place of brokenness, that only the broken have access to."...
In the Hands of the Potter
Suffering is the place of molding. (And molding can be a long process.)
The River of Hearing
If they don't feel your love, they won't hear your message.