Peter meant well. He really did. And he did not want to betray his friend. But he did.
I wonder if he thought to himself that he was the one Jesus was talking about at the Last Supper. That he was The Betrayer.
The truth is we all hope to stand up to our convictions in the hour of crisis. No one wants to be a coward. Everyone want to be one of those great people of history who stood tall and did not back down.
We will never know until we are tested.
We will never know until it our life on the line.
Peter folded. To a servant girl of all people. Although it was with the guards so his life surely was in danger.
And just like Jesus said the roostercrow happened. It wasn’t an actual rooster but the “roostercrow” was a word for the trumpets that sounded signaling a change of shifts. The changing of the guard.
When Peter realized what he had done, he was absolutely devastated.
It could have been the end of the story, It was for Judas.
Judas betrayed Jesus. And when he realized what he had done, he went out and hanged himself.
When Peter betrayed Jesus, he was crushed. But he stayed the course.
Not only that but we read Jesus was intentional about restoring him.
This was the mercy and kindness of our Savior.
So many times Jesus could have washed his hands of his disciples. But he didn’t. He believed in what his Father could do through them.
But for Jesus? He was alone at a newer level.
Truly Jesus was one who understand all that we go through.
Yet was without sin.