Jesus’ Training Methods – Luke 9:1-17

It was really quite simple: Do what I do.

Cast out demons. Heal the sick. Preach the kingdom.

And why you are at it, do not take any money for your journey, no food, no extra clothes, nothing. Learn to trust me.

Some will welcome you, some will not. Bless those who welcome you, and if people kick you out of the area, you can shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.

Preaching the kingdom was easy enough. But casting out demons? Healing the sick? Trusting God for provision? That’s something entirely different.

The ministry I work with regularly does faith journeys such as these. They send out students for 3-4 days and they are required to do the work of the kingdom, trusting God for finance, a place to stay, food, etc… They come back with some of the most amazing stories. Teams end up in billionares homes, people getting healed, delivered and saved, and so much more. It’s crazy.

It’s not that we are always to do this. At other times Jesus told his disciples to prepare. But in this moment he was training them. He was training them to do the work of the kingdom and to trust Him.

It was exciting. Jesus had given them the power and authority he had to do the work that only He could do.

The training was just beginning though.

But first there was a pause. Luke inserts a literary hook. He tells them they may be doing amazing things, but there is trouble brewing in the background.

It’s dangerous times. But Jesus is training his replacements.

Jesus then challenges them. The disciples come to him and tell him to dismiss the crowds as the people are hungry. It was very noble and considerate. And being responsible. But Jesus wanted to teach them something.

But once again Jesus wanted to teach them about Himself. He was bigger than the solutions of the world. So he took bread, broke it and gave it to the people. Five loaves and two fishes fed 5000+ people.

Jesus did this to serve the people. More importantly, though, he did this to teach the disciples who would carry His message to the world. One of those listens I believe is this:

The solutions of this world are not the only answers to our challenges when we follow Jesus, the Son of God.

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