Look to Jesus, Just Look – Luke 7

Who is this guy? If you’ve ever seen a movie, the rule of thumb is, “show, don’t tell.” All great literary writings have this in place. And that’s what Luke is doing. He is telling them exactly the identity of Jesus through showing, not telling.

Jesus was a man that a powerful centurion so he wasn’t even worthy to meet Jesus.

Then as Jesus passes by, the only son of a widow was being carried out on a funeral pallet. The town was in grief for this loss. Then Jesus stopped and raised the man from the dead! The people were stunned.

Then Jesus received extravagant worship from a sinner woman. She holds nothing back in her worship. Then Jesus tells her because of her faith, her sins are forgiven. The people are shocked and angry. Only God can forgive sins! (That’s the point).

Who is this man who is honored by the Gentile Roman centurion, raises to life a dead man, and forgives the sins of a very sinful woman?

If they would just open their eyes they would see. If they would open their ears they would hear. If they would open their hearts they would understand. Just as the centurion, the dead man, and the sinful woman understood.

In many ways it is a warning. People can hold so tightly to their faith that they refuse to see and understand. They don’t want to give up their assumed knowledge about Jesus.

Others want to make Jesus fit into a mold that they’ve created in their mind and he just doesn’t fit. Anywhere. He is his own.

But we must do is look to Jesus. He is the one who forgives sin, even those of a very sinful woman. He is the one who raises the dead. This gives us hope. And he is the one who will be worshiped throughout the world, by rulers and leaders and Jews and Gentiles.

Look to Jesus.

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