To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

David’s Back Against the Wall Prayer – Ps 142

I’d never thought of it before but taking your military unit, however many there are which we think were many, and hiding in a cave would have been a big gamble.  If you were successfully able to hide, then great.  But if you were found, there would be no escape and it would be an all out slaughter.

This is the very test that David faced.  Under great duress he and his men found it necessary to hide in a cave.  One large enough to conceal everyone in darkness.  David was being pursued by Saul and they were out to kill him.

David wasn’t an arrogant king, setting himself up as a god who could conquer anything.  Perhaps that’s what made him so great.

Rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me” (Ps 142:6).

He knew he was in a bad spot.  He was literally cornered and they were literally much more in number and in arms.

I cry aloud to the LORD; I plead aloud to the LORD for mercy.  I pour out my complaint before Him; I reveal my trouble to Him” (Ps 142:1).

And in the spirit of what we all pray when in danger:

Free me from prison so that I can praise Your name” (Ps 142:7).

He wasn’t talking about an actual prison here but rather the prison of being cornered in a cave and hunted and surrounded by the enemy.

His plea was real though.  Because whenever David did get rescued by God, he followed through with His promise.  He praised the LORD.  Not just once but many times, often and throughout his life.


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