To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Lounge Chair Evil or Rooted for the Drought? – Psalm 1

There many types of engagement in evil.  Today I saw it right in Psalm 1:

  1.  Looking for Evil – “walk in the way of the wicked.”
  2.  Loitering with evil – “stand in the way of sinners”
  3.  Lounging with evil – “sit in the seat of mockers”

Some evil and sin is actively looking for it while other forms of evil are joining it in the lounge-chair.


The righteous are not joining evil either actively or passively.  Nor are they putting all their energy into “avoiding evil.”

Instead the righteous meditate on God’s laws day and night.  Not just morning and evening but “all day.”

The result is a planting in the Lord.

A planting with deep roots.

“Like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither”

Sturdy.  Able to stand difficult and harsh circumstances.

But the wicked dry up and become like chaff.  Hard times come and they shrivel, die and blow away.

In the time of judgment the wicked will not stand.  They can’t.  They are not rooted.

But for the righteous, the Lord watches over them.

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