The Abusive Religious Leader and the Woman They Didn’t See – Luke 20:45-Luke 21:4

Hypocrites were everywhere among the world of Jesus, especially among the religious leaders. Spiritual leadership became less about the flock and more about being in positions of privilege, wealth and honor. Jesus said to beware of these kinds of people.

I can think of a number of religious leaders today who are just like this. They encourage widows and poor people to give lavishly and they will get God’s blessings. All the while they live in houses that are extravagant. They love the attention they receive and are proud of their “powerful preaching” and kingdom work.

Jesus has a warning for them. They will be punished most severely. God will have his justice if not in this life, then the life to come.

But then there is that widow. The one that gives.

He sees her.

Maybe she was one of the ones coerced by the respect-driven religious leaders. Maybe she was a woman who just loved the Lord.

We don’t know.

But the Lord saw her. He honored her. He received her gift.

And such love and respect for Jesus is never lost.

Even when the leadership is bad.

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