Some things in life are true.
Good is true.
Evil is true.
But true does not necessarily mean good.
Last night I was grieving the pain of someone else’s brokenness that overflows into hurt in my life. I was frustrated because their emotional health has a direct and difficult effect on me. Continuously. And while I can look at this problem area in their life, I can say that it is “true,” they have these issues. That they are unlikely to change outside of a miracle of God. And that try as I might the fruit of these things will cause hurt. I try to ignore but it still hurts.
But just because it is “true” doesn’t mean I need to think on these things.
I felt like the Lord said there are things that are “true-er.”
True-er is that this person cares for me. Tru-er is that they try to their best of their ability. True-er is that God can make up for where they lack.
It’s the tru-er things I would do better to focus on.
It doesn’t take away the hurt. It doesn’t change them.
But meditation on the tru-er keeps my head straight. And my heart not so hurting. And my perspective seeing the tru-er picture.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Php 4:8