When the Women Spoke Nonsense – Luke 24:1-35

Women. They were speaking nonsense. They said the body of Jesus was not there, that angels had appeared to them and told them he had risen, and that he was alive.

Total nonsense.

Peter was the only who believed them. And he ran to the tomb. He confirmed that Jesus’ body was missing and wondered what had happened.

On that very same day, two disciples were on their way headed to a village named Emmaus. They were crushed. Crushed because Jesus had died. And crushed in hopes as they were sure Jesus was going to be the one who redeem Israel. They had no idea at the time that the risen Jesus was walking with them. That would have been preposterous.

But Jesus began to explain from Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms what was prophesied about the Messiah. So it made me ask, what was prophesied in these books?

  • A Messiah would come out of Jewish lineage- Deut 18:18
  • He would suffer and die on a cross (Psalm 22)
  • His death was the taking on our sin and giving us forgiveness and peace (Is 53)
  • He would be resurrected from the dead (Psalm 16:10)
  • He would be raised on the third day like Jonah (Jonah; Mt 12:40)

It was predicted and how Jesus was killed and resurrected happened. It was beginning to make sense.

As Jesus acted like he was going to keep going, the two men strongly urged him to come stay at their house. Why did Jesus do this? Perhaps it’s because he does not force himself on anyone or take advantage of anyone. He desires to be and go where he is wanted.

They wanted his company.

While he was among them, he disappeared. It’s then their eyes were opened and they realized who he was. They ran back to the Eleven in excitement and joy.

Ok, this raises some question. Had the LORD already appeared to Simon and the others had not yet believed? Not sure.

Everything was changing. Jesus was appearing to more and more people.

But still there was doubt and unbelief.

How could this be true? How could it be real?

Jesus wasn’t finished just yet.

On the Road to Emmaus

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