To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

His Grace is Sufficient? 2 Cor 12:8

What does it really mean that his grace is sufficient for us?  Paul was going through hardship that I believe, based on the word he used, that it was false teachers.  Others believe it was physical illness.  Regardless the Lord said His grace was sufficient.

The truth is we can quote it and say it to others but what does it mean?  Not in the theological sense of parsing the Greek and the historical background and the hermeneutics of it all.  But what does it mean for the broken and hurting soul?  The one that cannot escape pain because of extenuating circumstances?

I was thinking of that this morning in church.  Perhaps because I am that bleeding heart.

What I think it it to mean is that God sustains us and supports us through the hard times, but doesn’t necessarily remove them right away.   Or even soon.  But that He is with us.

We want nothing more than the source of pain to removed from our lives, but for His greater picture he doesn’t.  Because of that, he provides supports for us to get through those times.  Supports that come not necessarily when we want, but as He feels we need them and in the time frame we need.

It’s not the most comforting as it doesn’t mean our source of pain gets removed.  Or that he supports us in the way we want to be supported.  But He does what is best and helps us in ways sometimes we do not see because we are blinded by frustration.  But He does help us.  Retrospect gives us perspective.  It takes faith in the dark of the soul to trust His love for us.

His grace is sufficient.  He will be with us and give us grace gifts along the journey.  And in the end, what are our light and momentary suffering compared to all eternity?

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