To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Three Kinds of Atheists

Atheism is in a sense its own religion with its own prophets. Prophets such as Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins and others. People who say all religion is bad don’t realize that atheism and even agnosticism is another way of understanding the world that has very real implications.

Awhile back ago I listened to the debate between Christopher Hitchens and Frank Turek. I was expecting a very interesting argument from Christopher and was bracing myself. But after a long debate, I was dumbfounded and in disbelief. The gist of his debate was, “I don’t like God’s people and therefore God doesn’t exist.” Wow. That’s it? And when pressed for what he believed about the origins and existence of life, it was basically, “I don’t have to have any as I’m an atheist.” Which is absurd.

It’s absurd because we exist and life exists and so we have to look at how we are here, why, etc… It was so absurd that Frank Turek had to adjust the title of the debate to something more along the lines of “Is God the best evidence for existence.”

It made me think on things. There are three kinds of atheists and it’s important to know. Because we deal very differently with each based on which one they are.

Three Kinds of Atheism

3 AtheistsDescriptionApproach
The Soured AtheistThis person is one who has been hurt by the church or by Christians. They reject God because they believe that if this is what God looks like, they want nothing to do with it.The problem here is not their intellectual disagreement but their pain. This is working with people to help them see that it is not God they are rejecting but man. There is a place where there needs to be healing and forgiveness. Intellectual arguments, depending on the level of hurt, may not be what is most needed here.
The Secondary AtheistThis person has not been hurt directly, but someone they love has been hurt. In their defense, they too have joined their friend or loved one in renouncing atheism. This person challenge is to think for themselves and not take on the others’ pain, as hard as it may be.
The Social AtheistThis person is also very common and is the person who mentally signs up for atheism because their college professor mocked Christianity. Or the culture mocks religion and belief. So based on the social climate, they take it in.This person’s issue is one of thinking for themselves. They think they think for themselves but really it’s more that are taking upon the culture’s beliefs, attitudes and what’s trending.

This used to be a major issue mostly among the college-aged kids, but as society is drifting further from God and media takes every opportunity to attack and blame Christians, this has and is quickly moving to the masses.

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