The theme continues so strongly. The nations are serving other gods made of wood, hand-carved by man. These gods cannot save.
So much so that when the pagan nations go into captivity themselves, they have to load up their “gods” in carts and carry them.
“they themselves go into captivity” (v. 2).
They carry their gods, but God Almighty carries his people.
“I have made you, and I will carry you; I will bear and save you” (v. 4).
The idols are made by human hands, commissioned by a purchased, and then after they are purchased, they are worshiped. ?? Crazy but the pagan nations do just this.
“They cry out to it but it doesn’t answer; it saves no one from his trouble” (v. 7).
Then God says, AGAIN that he is the ONLY God:
“I am God, and there is no other. I am God, and no one is like Me” (Is 46:10). (A very important Scripture when speaking with Mormons/LDS).
He names a special attribute and one that he has named already–he names things that will happen in the future and they happen (Is 46:10).
And then he gives an example of something he is going to do. He says that he is going to call a man named Cyrus, one from the East, a far country, for His purposes. Israel has been transgressors, but he is going to bring someone that will release them from captivity in Babylon.
One hundred-ish years after this was written, God did exactly that. Through the very one he named–Cyrus.
When we serve false gods, we serve gods that cannot save and deliver. But God Almighty can. He is God alone. There is none who can compare.