To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

About Me

I’ve had a a love for the Word since the time a pastor came to our 5th grade class and handed out Bibles.  It was easier back then.

From that point on I began to study His Word and eventually went on to get a Bachelor of Theology and a Master of Arts in New Testaments studies.  My training has not ended.  I’ve also had the privilege of teaching around the world.

Originally this blog started out as a way to record the truths I was discovering through memorization.  I have a lifetime goal of memorizing the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.  Joyfully surprised that people have come to peek over my shoulder, the last few years I’ve been blogging the Bible.

It is my increasing desire that I may know Christ.  There’s so much more to Him than we understand or can comprehend.

It is my great delight that you come to read these posts.  May we all grow together in the grace, love and kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Graced Follower

Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (Php 3:8)

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