To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Amy Grant hosts Gay Wedding, Should She?

I grew up on Amy Grant. I would wake up everyday to a special alarm clock that would play the cassette with a piano beginning. Her and Michael W. Smith were the main Christian artists in a time when there weren’t many. She is less popular now but she still has very great influence.

Recently I hear that her niece is having a gay wedding and Amy and her husband are hosting it. She is reported as saying it’s because God gives only two directives—Love God and love one another. But is she really understanding Scripture?

Is it like the cultural slogan says, “Love is love”? It would seem like she believes this in theory but I’m wondering if she really believes this in practice. Or any Christian that for matter that takes this outside of the context of the Bible.

I’m sure she would be against pedophilia which is sexual intercourse with children. As some would say this is wrong because it’s not with consenting adults. But would she say “love is love” if her husband declares to her that he loves her but also other women? And that he sleeps with them as an expression of that love? After all, God’s directive is loving one another?

I’m sure there would be protest and saying that this is a violation of the marriage vows. But what about in general? Is adultery Ok because love is the greatest virtue?

The truth is love cannot exist outside of truth. Ever. If love is divorced from truth, then anything goes. A person can steal from a bank in the name of “loving” his family by providing for them. Or a man can rape someone in the name of “teaching her about love” as the inmates I used to work with claimed. Or can someone kill another person in the name of “love” as they are protecting them from someone they deem not fit to be in this world and therefore they are ‘loving’ humanity by removing them?

If you divorce truth from love, then anything goes. Literally anything. Just label is as ‘love’ and there are no limits.

Add to that the God factor. God says, “if you love me you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Here we see love and truth going together again. If we do not keep the commandments of God, then we are not loving Him not matter how we label it.

The commandment of God on gay relationships is clear. We have countless Scriptures in both Old and New Testaments and especially in Romans 1. It is now doubt a sin.

But isn’t it a sin just like everything else?

Yes and no. It is a sin just like other sin. The difference is the sin of homosexuality is being pressured to not be seen as a sin but as normal. We would not take lying or rape or greed or murder or incest and say these are “normal” and have parades as such. The sin of deviation from God’s norm is being forcibly wrenched into the “righteous” category and attacked if seen as a sin.

In fact the biggest proof that “love isn’t love” is seen in how people are treated when not in the club. A few years ago I had lunch with a gay friend and I gently brought up I was concerned about his eternity based on Scripture. He claims to be a Christian and just recently was ordained.

We didn’t have a discussion really. He declared he was “fine” and certain of his salvation and that was it. He has not invited me to lunch again even though we’ve known each other our whole lives. “Love is love” if you’re in the club but love isn’t love if you disagree.

So what is the protocol for those who have homosexual desires? Because these are very real for many people. I have known a handful of people who really struggle with this. I won’t mention that every single one I know personally has dealt with sexual abuse as a child. I know that this isn’t the case for everyone but I do think that’s a strong contributing factor.

But here’s the reality. Whether someone has strong desires for same sex relationships or strong desire for opposite sex relationships, sexual desire exists for all humanity. It doesn’t give license to the married man to go sleep with others, or to anyone to act on those desire anywhere and everywhere. EVERYONE has desire to do that which is evil. I would love to have no evil desires but that isn’t the case. Through Christ we can help put to death those desires but those desires are there as we are sinners.

Does it mean that someone can’t experience love then? Not at all. But not “love” in the way that a person defines love.

I think the best testimony of this is Becket Cook. He was a proud and strong gay man living in Hollywood. He had money, power, influence and boyfriends galore. He loved it and thought nothing of it, ridiculing the faith of his family and his roots. But one day he saw someone with a Bible in a coffee shop and struck up a conversation. Shortly thereafter he would meet Christ in a dramatic way.

He has now renounced his behavior and has made the decision to stay celibate. Not without temptation but he has accountability. He has written about his journey in the book “A Change of Affections” and talks about how his desire for Christ is so much stronger now than his desire to continue to feed his desires and behaviors of lust for men. He also now has a YouTube channel where he advocates Christ first and Biblical truth. I highly recommend checking it out. Highly. He carries something special of God on him.

In the meantime I’m very grieved to see Amy Grant deviating from Scripture. She has such influence and will lead so many people astray. If there is a verse I would have for Amy, it would be this: “Love does not delight in evil” (1 Cor 13:6). I do not believe it is loving to endorse a wedding that is contrary to God. That is the very essence of delighting in something that is not of God.

Absolutely we are called to love sinners such as us. They should be our friends and around our table. But do we endorse their sin? No. When Jesus forgave people, he called them to “go and sin no more.”. He was truth and love incarnate. A love that attracted people, but a truth that called them to change. But it isn’t love to celebrate someone’s sin.

Unfortunately in this bazar world we are in I think this issue will be the fall of many. Not only that but I believe it will be the imprisonment and persecution of many in the very near future. I know that just writing this post is enough for an indictment. But truth is being divorced in the name of love and whether it’s this issue or another, we must hold each other to the obedience of faith for those who believe.


Becket Cook’s book “A Change of Affection” –

Here’s Becket’s response, a former gay man’s response to Amy.

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