I’m Starting to Get the Major Prophets

It’s distressing really. If you are following world events, then you know the alarm is at a 5 alarm fire (the highest). The problem is many do to even know what those are in the world, how dangerous the latest unfolded in Switzerland, and how to interpret what is happening. Yes, there are powers behind even these, but these are the front runners.

Not understanding or having no clue is dangerous. Because we interpret things in the old system and not by what is unfolding. People are making decisions that have cost them and will cost them their lives.

When I try to speak to people about these things which are not conspiracy but are published plans, one is mocked and accused and ignored. It’s unbelievable. There’s more going on in the world than just the fact that prices are a little higher.

But there is thing called normalcy bias that is affecting the world. So much so that the powers that be openly boast of their plans, power and action. It’s like they are proud that the world is their sheep headed to the slaughter and they are the princes among the peasants.

What will it take to wake people up?

As I was thinking of this, I realized that this was the same thing happening in the days of the prophets. They could not get people to open their eyes to see. So God had them do extreme, extreme things, visual things, to catch their attention. To make his warnings memorable. It didn’t work. They didn’t listen. They didn’t turn from their sin and so the LORD brought judgment against Israel.

Now is what is happening in the world day from man’s evil? Or from God’s judgment against man’s sin? That’s a topic for another day. But one thing I implore you, WAKE UP. Know the times and seasons you are in. For you and for your family. Prepare how the Lord leads you. Prepare your heart for action in service to others.

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