A Message to Africans

A couple of days ago I was talking with a European friend. We were talking about nations that lead in the faith and it is something that is shifting. We both had come to the same conclusion.

Africans and the African continent will be the people and the place that will lead the world in faith.

It’s your time to rise up.

You don’t need money. Big budgets. Nice houses. Fancy things. Those will be a trap to you.

You need the LORD. And faith in Him.

The gospel has been planted in Africa many times over. Discipleship has always been the challenge. Shaking off corruption has been a challenge. But I believe your time is coming. And is here.

Rise up African brothers and sisters.

I believe your moment on the world stage in the kingdom of God is here.

Trust Him.

Stand firm against corruption.

Persist in righteousness.

Preach the gospel.

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