More than Bread – Luke 4:1-4

Jesus was vulnerable. He was ridiculously hungry. And I’m sure very lonely. That’s when temptation came.

They say in psychology that we as humans are most vulnerable when we are in the state of H.A.L.T. – Hungry, angry, lonely or tired. While Jesus wasn’t angry, I’m sure he was all the rest.

Satan asked him a question and Jesus’ response is one I ponder.

Of course it was a temptation. Jesus was hungry. AND he had the ability to change that. If he just simply used his power and privilege to serve himself, problem solved. A greater problem would arise though in that he would be using his power and his privilege to serve himself. I’m sure there is more to it than that, but this would be one of them. But then there’s the next part.

This is the statement that gets me. This is something to ponder on and think about. It’s so anti-Western culture.

It’s not enough to have bread. Yes, we need food to survive on, but it isn’t the whole picture. We can have bread, money, possessions and all that the world offers, but we cannot survive on it. Yes, we can survive physically. But there’s more to life than just our physical existence. Just ask any lonely rich person.

So what do we survive on?

Is it obedience to God?

Is it right relationships with God and man?

Is it His Word?

Yes and all of that.

We can think of the manna in the desert given to the Israelites for their supernatural provision and preservation.

We can think of Jesus who was born in Bethlehem which means, “The House of Bread.”

We can think of John in the revelation where it says those who overcome will eat of the hidden manna (Revelation 2:17).

But what about Jesus? He was the Son of God?

As the Son of God, he survived in relationship to His Father. If Jesus had turned stones into bread, it would have been sin and that relationship would have been severed. How that would have looked we do not know.

Here’s the thing.

Jesus said He is the Bread of Life (John 6″35).

We may have full stomachs, comfortable houses, a job and so much more. But outside of Christ, we will not survive. Not just for our salvation but for our very life.

We will not survive more than 40 days or so without food. In the same ways our souls will thrive or survive well without communion with Christ.

It’s not just prayer.

It’s not just reading the Bible

It’s not just gathering with the saints.

It’s that place of deep communion with Jesus. Where we walk away with our souls satisfied.

O Lord, cause us to hunger for more of you.

Lord, help our hunger for you take over every other desire.

We cannot live without you. We cannot live on bread alone.

Have mercy and forgive us for trying to do so.

Lord, I long for you.

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