Luke 4:38-41

I was listening to preaching from a missionary in the Himalayas that said that healing there was a cheat code. He was telling us in his experience 99% of those who come to the Lord in the Himalayas have done so because they or a relative was healed. Jesus wants to heal people and deliver them.

Once again Jesus is demonstrating his power. But his power was not to impress. He always refused to do that. His power was to serve others. And that means delivering them from sickness and delivering them from demons.

Do you noticed who he healed? Every one of them.

He didn’t care if they were sinners or saints, if they were good people or bad, if they deserved healing or did not. That was not important. What was important is that people were suffering and Jesus healed them.

Christians is a word that means “little Christs.” Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. But it’s Ok as there are millions of “little Christs” – Christians, on the earth. It is our job to be Jesus to the people. And that does not just mean preaching the gospel, but also laying our hands on the sick for healing and for deliverance. Perhaps we do not see this much as we do not truly believe that we carry the Power of Attorney as we say, and have the authority of Christ to do the works he did.

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