The World Addiction Intensifies – Col 3:1-17

It’s become a problem, for me. The world is CRAZY right now and the news everyday is just nuts. Imagine if you missed the last 8 days of news – Trump almost assassinated, Secret Service saying sloped roofs are a safety issue, Biden drops out of the race as of an hour or so ago, and more. It doesn’t stop.

The problem is that it makes even more addicted to the news and to our phones. The people of this earth are spinning wildly out of control and we are part of it.

Here’s the problem. I am finding I’m spending way too much time on my phone looking at news. Then, when you look at news, you get trapped into watching reels and shorts and stories or whatever else is out there.

I’m sure I’m not the only one. This spin cycle is creating an even greater tech addiction in us. And I feel, at least for me, that our spiritual life suffers.

I’m spending more time on my phone and on the internet than in prayer. Or in the Word. Or being with other people in fellowship.

You know how at 9:03 on Sunday morning your phone sends you a message of how much time you’ve spent online? What if we had one for our life barometer?

How much quality and quantity time are we spending in relationships?

How much of our minds are devoted to prayer and in the Word more than world events?

How much of our lives are being intentionally fixed on “things above and not on earthly things”?

Right now slander, mockery, sexual immorality is normal. Speaking loving to and about one another, patience, kindness and humility are fading.

I’m not just talking about other people. I can feel these things creeping into my own heart as well. Some of the memes are just funny. But they can be slanderous and filled with mocking. And without realizing it, there can be a cooling of my own heart.

Truth is I don’t have an answer right now. The news is so critical and important and that creates the desire and need to stay informed. Also it seems like it changes every few hours.

And yet the spirit life is the life I want. The community life is essential as I engage with others.

Yet the connected life is also a challenge. How many friendships have I felt a distance grow if we do not agree on things down the line? It’s happening to all of us. We are separating from one another not just because of matters of faith, but because of matters of social politics. I’ve lost friends over the smallest things and it is heartbreaking.

Then there’s the reality we need to PRAY for the world. Pray for God’s will to be done. PRAY for his kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. PRAY for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

This is one of the most critical hours for us to come together to PRAY.

Lord have mercy on us all. Pour out your Holy Spirit on us. Guard our hearts and direct us away from the cooling. May you light the fire of love for you and love for one another. Save us Lord. We need you Lord. You are our hope. Your our life. You are.

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