He Stops for the Ones – Luke 8:40-56

It was crazy. A little girl was dying and Jesus was on his way to help her. But he got distracted. If you were the father, can you imagine? How distressing it would be? If only Jesus would hurry up.

The teacher was coming. It was going well. There was hope. But then he stopped.

He stopped because he felt power go out of him. It was a woman whom no doctor could help. She was desperate.

She had been bleeding for 12 years. She knew if that she could just touch him, she would be healed. What faith!

But now, because of this woman’s interruption, Jairus’ daughter was dead.

The devastation for the father must have been profound. But when you are more than just a teacher or prophet, it isn’t a problem. Jesus was God in the flesh. Everything was going to be Ok.

Once more Luke is showing us the divinity of Jesus. He had power over nature, demons and even life and death. He is God.

But he is also showing the character of God. Jesus stopped for the one. The woman was in great need. He stopped for her and talked to her. He could have just carried on.

Yet he didn’t forget about the one little girl either. He continued to go to her even when everyone else gave up hope.

Jesus is all powerful.

He stops for the one.

And he even stops for you and me.

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