She Wanted to Justify Her Frustration – Luke 10:38-42

Let’s face it. Most of us find ourselves in the wrong place in this story and we, too, want to justify ourselves.

Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.  But Martha was distracted with much serving.

And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”

 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things,  but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Just being honest here but I don’t get this in many ways. Martha was trying to be responsible and take care of Jesus and all his hungry disciples. Yet her sister was doing nothing to help.

The truth is I think Martha was jealous.

She, too, wanted to sit at the feet of Jesus and spend time with him. But there were all these people to feed. And when Martha expressed her frustration, Jesus sided with Mary.


Of course if it were modern times, Jesus would need to side with both. He would try to make things fair and equal and no one person would be at more fault than the other. People would have modern day Jesus saying something like Martha you need to relax and Mary you would do well to help your sister a little more.

But this was raw Jesus. He didn’t do political correctness. He did truth.

And the truth was Martha was frustrated and upset about many things.

But Mary was walking in peace and relationship.

The hardest word of this text to me is the word “distracted.”

Perhaps because I’ve been thinking on it so much lately. I’ve been so distracted. Distracted with keeping up with the latest news because it really does affect us. Distracted with social media that will suck me in for hours. Distracted by having COVID again and feeling cruddy, yet having so much to do as I soon will be hosting people.

I am so distracted right now.

Distracted from prayer.

Distracted from His Word.

Distracted from just sitting near Jesus and listening.

The problem here is that Martha was distracted. She wasn’t serving out of a place of joy but out of a place of duty and responsibility. Those are good things, but they also can be distracting.

Duty and responsibility can distract a man by him feeling he needs to work such long hours that his relationship with his wife and children suffer. He may make the money but lose his loves.

Duty and responsibility can distract a woman into caring so much for her children that she forgets to care for the heart and needs of her man. Her relationship suffers.

We all get distracted when we are spending more time online then on our knees.

Distraction is real.

But Mary chooses better.

Mary chooses to let things be messy.

Mary is choosing to let some things go.

Mary chooses to be and that is to be with Jesus.

Jesus says she is choosing better.

What are we choosing?

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