Jesus Destroyed Every Social Rule Here – Luke 11:37-54

I would have been so uncomfortable.  Talk about awkward.

The inciting incident came when he didn’t wash his hands before the meal.  As in he didn’t perform the required ceremonial washings necessary.  

 I’m guessing he did this on purpose.  He was getting ready to provoke them.

It worked. 

He was a guest at the Pharisees house.  When they pointed that out to him his social faux pax, Jesus responded with truth bombs they couldn’t handle.

He told them they cared more about keeping the rules, rituals and regulations of their outer life than they did about their inner life.  They may have had clean hands, but they did not have clean hearts. They were filled with greed and wickedness.

Can you imagine what the dinner host was feeling at about this point? 

Next he told them they were great at tithing, but they neglected the more important matters of righteousness and justice.  They should practice both.  

Third he said they cared mostly about being respected by the people.  They loved the important places and the way people looked at them. They cared more about what men thought of them then what God did

Fourth, he said they were like unmarked graves that people walked over.  They really didn’t have much substance or significance.  

At this point an expert in the law spoke up.   Because it was getting uncomfortable.

He told Jesus that their feelings were getting hurt by his strong words.  

It wasn’t modern times. Jesus cared about their feelings but he more cared about truth.  

So he continued.

He told them they loaded people down with burdens of the law.  People do not feel the joy and peace of serving God.  They are crushed but all the rules they had to follow given to them by the religious leaders.  

Next he said they build tombs for the prophets, the very prophets that were killed by their forefathers.  So in some way they stood in support of their forefathers by their actions.  Then he says this generation will be held responsible for the spilling of the blood of prophets.  

Finally he pronounced woe on them because not only have they removed true knowledge, but they have hindered those who want to enter into the kingdom.

Doubtless to say everyone was furious.  Quite the dinner party where they had come to hear Jesus.

So how are we to take this?  Are we to go blast everyone like Jesus?  I don’t think that’s the appropriate response.  Jesus was perfect righteousness.

Instead I believe we are to listen to the message he brings.   Because we are all in danger.  

1) If our faith is an outward one only, we have missed the point.  It’s not about all the laws and rituals but a deep transformation of the soul. This is what spills out and overflows from us.

2) We are still to participate in things like tithing and the spiritual disciplines, but these do not make us righteous.  We must give ourselves to the weightier matters of love, justice, righteousness and holiness. 

3) It’s not about gaining the respect of men but it is about living humbly before God. If every man turned against us, who would we be?

Here’s the truth. I wonder why Jesus said all these things when he was a dinner guest. It was obviously the guest and his friends who received the brunt of Jesus’ words.

Here’s another truth. Am I more uncomfortable that Jesus broke social norms and politeness than I am that he called people out for their external only spiritual life?

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