Who do You Truly Fear? – Luke 12:1-12

Who we fear will determine how we live.

“I fear no one,” says the arrogant man or foolish woman.

We all have fear of some kind. We fear what others may think of us, we fear failure, we fear being alone, or dying alone. Truly whom we fear is who we respect. And who we bow down to.

Jesus was confronting the Pharisees still.

The problem was the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. They feared losing the honor, respect and praise of men more than they feared God. Because of this they would do hidden things believing no one would ever know.

That’s a common phrase. “No one will ever know. No one will find out.”

The problem is that there are two that will know. And they are the only two that matter.

First, God knows what you say and do and think.

Secondly, you know what you say and do and think.

The reason for their wrong behavior in the dark was their belief that no one would know. But Jesus says everything will be known that can be known. Walk in the fear of God.

Jesus continues his teaching on fear. Although this time he says to fear God even above your own life. Because God alone has the say over our eternity.

And while that sounds scary, Jesus tells them that God’s care is deep and significant. Even the hairs on our head are numbered. So do not fear if we fear God above all fears.

What about if it is illegal in the eyes of man to acknowledge Jesus publicly? They may arrest you, bring lawsuits against you, imprison you or kill you.

It’s Ok Jesus. Just maintain the fear of the Lord before the authorities of man. And the Holy Spirit will help you know what to say.

Who we fear determines how we live. The truth is, many Christians are silent or refused to share their faith out of fear. I have on occasion been quiet when I should have spoken based on the fear of man.

Jesus though invites us to a greater fear. That we would fear God alone. Because when he is our greatest fear, all other fears are silenced.

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