Jesus Cried in Grief, the Disciples Shouted in Joy – Luke 19:28-44

What an emotional time! Jesus sent his disciples to get a colt so he could ride it into Jerusalem as its rightful king. Only it was colt. Most kings road a conquering stallion. Jesus rode a colt.

As he entered Jerusalem, it was clear that he was doing so as a king. Cloaks were thrown on the colt, people spread out their cloaks before him, and the disciples were shouting joyfully.

It was an amazing time of celebration! Except not for all. The Pharisees were really ticked off. Because Jesus was being treated like a victorious king. In, it almost looked like worship.

Jesus was having none of it.

But then as Jesus approached Jerusalem, his heart began to hurt. He began to weep because he saw AD 70 coming. AD 70 was when the Romans decimated Jerusalem and the Jews were scattered to the nations until 1948. But he says here why this happened. And why it was breaking his heart knowing it was coming.

Jesus wanted so badly to bring them peace. The peace of a right relationship with God. The peace that comes in our hearts with him. And the peace that looks to God in times of distress and sees deliverance.

But it was hidden from their eyes. They simply refused to believe in Jesus and who he was.

Destruction was coming. It could have been averted if they only saw Jesus as the Messiah and put their trust in Him. The Old Testament is full of miraculous stories of deliverance.

But they did not.

They chose not to believe.

They “did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

Perhaps something is to be said of this. God’s coming to them was equated with Jesus’ coming to them.

The Jews especially had every reason possible to see. There were hundreds of prophesies that Jesus fulfilled. But it either seemed to good to be true. Or they refused to believe out of envy and hardness of heart.

AD 70 did come. It happened just as Jesus said it would.

So there was great and extravagant celebration and worship. Jesus was coming to them.

And great and terrible sadness. Because the people refused to see and believe and find the peace they so desperately wanted.

He wasn’t weeping knowing he was going to die. Even though he told them over and over that is why he was going to Jerusalem. He was weeping because people refused to receive Him. And in doing so they were forfeiting the peace that could be theirs.

The same is true today. We have even more reason to believe with all the prophesies at a click of a button, all the verification that can be researched, and all that we need to know.

And yet many still refuse to believe. And it breaks the heart of God that we refuse Him and refuse to receive His peace.

Recently I had a significant encounter with the Living God. It was subtle but not small. The fruit? Peace. Deep peace. I’ve been enjoying that peace and joy for weeks now.

It. Is. Glorious.

It is what Jesus wants to give to all peoples.

Will you turn to him?

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