Someone didn’t come to church yesterday since she was hurting in her body so I gave her a call just now and prayed for her. About halfway into talking to her a question came to my head. If I weren’t doing this 40 day challenge would I have called her? The answer is no. I would not. I would have done well just to remember. And why wouldn’t I have called? My heart is calloused to people’s illnesses. I don’t want to invest the time. I just don’t care all that much. Ouch. Yet this is a woman who has helped me in projects more times than I can count. She truly is a servant of servants. Even as I write this I ask myself if this will change after I’m done with the 40 days? Will I still call up sick people and pray? Will I still take time to take seriously their needs? Bottom line, I know I am guilty but will I repent?