To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

They Didn’t Understand–Luke 2:50
Jesus.  Age 12.  Have been lost for several days and facing perturbed parents.

“”Why were you searching for me?  he asked.  “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”  But they didn’t understand what he was saying to them.”

But how could they not understand?  Was the angel not scary enough?  The dreams not memorable enough?  The virgin birth not…bazaar enough?  How?  Ryker.

Ryker is a little boy I’ve been praying for this week.   Never met him but a few days ago a friend put out the call to pray for his family.  A virus and subsequent stroke had hit baby Ryker’s brain and he had only 24 hours left to live.  Death was inevitable.  The family was devastated and struggling.  We prayed.  The world prayed.  Then this on Tuesday:

“Chris just got a phone call!!!
Swelling gone!
Virus gone!
No more risk of death!!!!

Obviously there is still a serious question of how much damage is done, but this is the best result they could gave gotten considering, our hearts our full to bursting with praising God!!!”

Then today this:

“Ryker Update: Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Ryker’s brain scan this morning shows definite reduction in swelling, meaning that the damage done by the infection is now healing. The left side is still very swollen (right side in the pictures), but progress is being made and Ryker is making slow but steady movement towards recovery. Just writing those words brings tears to my eyes! 

Ryker is relatively alert, active, and playing with his mommy in a limited way by lifting his left foot to her face. We are certain that he smiled, and for the first time we are seeing our son when we look into his eyes. God is so good. We are overjoyed and so thankful to our faithful God for preserving our son’s life. He has another MRI scan scheduled for Tuesday, and if all is well, we’ll take him off the breathing machine sometime early next week and move into rehabilitation. Thank you for your overwhelming and continued prayers and support. Please take at least a few minutes to praise God for this miracle and His faithfulness to Ryker and our family.”

 And prayers continue.  And I pray that in a couple of years that Ryker is fully functional, no problems, and that this is merely a memory.  It would be the greatest gift.  (Please pray with me for this end as he is not out of the woods yet).

But oftentimes even in the most traumatic moments, the mundane of life can dull our memories.  How many near death moments in my life have I forgotten?  How it seems just normal that I’m not maimed, disabled or dead when I’ve had numerous opportunities to be just that? The dulling of time is a grace.  But it makes it also easy to forget.  So with that I understand Mary.  It’s been a number of years since those amazing things happened.  Life has gloriously become about dishes and diapers, schooling and skinned knees. 

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