To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Site Mayhem

Please stay with me. Working on it as tech support gets back to me. (Never had these issues before!)

Don’t Stop Him – Mark 9:38-41

Let's be real. The disciples were jealous. Really jealous. They saw a man driving out demons in the name of Jesus. And they are just recovering from the humiliation of not being able to drive out a demon in a boy and causing a scene. Furthermore they had just fought...

The Secret Place

Billy Graham wasn't the best preacher I ever heard. But you know what? He carried something so that every time he preached, thousands upon thousands became followers of Christ. There are others like that too. I know of greater preachers and teachers, and yet when some...

Why Couldn’t the Disciples Cast out the Demon? Mark 9:14-29

They tried. They really tried. And it created conflict. A man heard how Jesus and his disciples were healing people and casting out demons. His son was throwing himself into the water and fire as the demons were trying to take his life. But when he came to the...

This Site Took a Huge Censorship Hit

If you are reading this, it’s because you came here directly. Over the years Google has hit this site a number of times, but nothing like recently. It isn’t surprising. Just haven’t been hit this hard before.The stats in the pictures are real and are multiple stats...

Se(ks)ual Immorality

Sorry I have to respell that but the censorship is real. Woke up thinking of this issue of immorality because the issues are growing. It raises legitimate questions. Here's the dilemma. Immorality is so rampant in our culture that people are looked down upon for not...

The Message of the Transfiguration – Mark 9:2-13

Why when the glory of the Father was made manifest in Jesus did Moses and Elijah also come? Why not Abraham and David? They had much better messages of hope and life than Moses of the Law and Elijah of the Prophets. Actually it is the point. There's a reason that it...

Why did Jesus Pray Twice for the Blind Man? Mark 8:22-26

Taken out of context, this story is strange! Jesus encounters a blind man and prays for him. After he prays he asks what he sees and the man reports he sees people like trees. So Jesus prays again and at that point the man’s vision is completely restored. What? Why...

Hello South Africa!

Last night I watched a movie on South Africa. Wow. It was intense. But such beauty and power and greatness in the land. Such rich history in every way. I know several people who call this nation home. I believe you have such an important place in the globe. Already...

Did Jesus call the Woman a Dog? – Mark 7:24-30

Was he insulting this woman or what was going on here? Who is this Jesus? Jesus had gone into the region of Tyre and Sidon which was Gentile (non-Jews) area. This mother comes to him while he is at a house and won't stop begging him to cast out the demon in her...
True Wisdom

True Wisdom

"Let us see that whenever we have failed to be loving, we have also failed to be wise." Charles Kingsley (1819-1875)

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