To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

The Blessing of God from One Man for the Generations – 1 Chr 17

David pleased the Lord in ways that we don’t understand.  He trusted Him, inquired of Him, glorified Him, and repented when before Him when he made mistakes.   David was handsome, strong, a mighty soldier, a great leader and yet none of this became about him.  He always glorified the LORD for all that he had been given.

Then one day he felt guilty for being in a nice palace and yet the ark of the covenant and the LORD’s holy things were in a tent.  He mentioned this to Nathan and at first Nathan told him to do what pleased him about building a house for the Lord.  But the LORD told Nathan to let David know that it wasn’t he was going to build a temple for the LORD, but rather a descendant of his.  And when it happened, God would establish his covenant with him forever.

David prayed a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving.  He was awed that the Lord chose a simple shepherd boy and the people Israel to show Himself.  Not only that but to bless them forever.

God chooses the “weak things to shame the wise” (1 Cor 1:27).

David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22).

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chr 16:9).

God’s pleasure is found in those who seek His heart, pursue Him with all their might, and honor Him in all their ways.  This was David, and because of it the generations were blessed through him.


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