When Leaders Change – 1 Chr 19

The King of the Ammonites passed away and his son became ruler in his place.  The father had been good to David and so David sent an envoy to send condolences.

But the son, now King Nahash, was suspicious.  He listened to those around him who said that David was not sincere, but rather spying on the land.  So instead of receiving the emissaries, he deeply humiliated them.  And in the process made David furious.

When the Ammonites realized how angry David had become, they rallied their army and even paid the Arameans to come fight with them.  They lost heavily to David’s armies.  From then on the Arameans refused to ever help again the Ammonites.

It’s an uncertain time when leaders change.  What is in the heart of a leader?  Is it good-willed with Godly wisdom?  Ill-willed intentions and serving of self?  Good intentions with foolish methods?  It’s so hard to know.

For David God protected him and gave him favor, even when multiple enemies attacked him.  But this favor came from David’s heart being so aligned with the LORD, and the nation aligning themselves with David and the LORD.  It also came because Israel was a covenant nation unlike any other nation on earth.

Whenever there is a shift of power there is great uncertainty.  For everyone.  Only God knows what is in the heart of man.

The shift of power is happening right now for us nationally and perhaps even globally.  It is very uncertain times.  But there are some things that are certain.

It is the time to align ourselves with the LORD individually and nationally.

It is the time to remember God rules the world (Ps 2)

It is the time to pray.