To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Capable Men for Important Service- 1 Chr 26

The official duties of the Levites was multi-faceted.  They were not only priests and musicians, but they served in the area of administration.  Not just any area of administration but in the most trusted places of all Israel.


Gatekeepers were more than just the people who opened the door.  They had a number of responsibilities.  One of the main ones was to sit at the gate and decide who went in and who went out.  They were the security guards of the city who posted watch.

In addition oftentimes the food stores were near the city gates.  Therefore the Levites who were gatekeepers were in charge of managing, protecting and distributing the food stores to those in need.

Another one of their responsibilities was to handle problems and issues and business transactions.  They did this in small levels as well as in “court” settings (1 Chr 26:18).  It’s why we get this unique little comment about one of them named Zecheriah was “an insightful counselor” who worked at the north gate (1 Chr 26:14).  This wasn’t the therapeutic counseling that most of us are familiar with but more that he gave wise insight into problems.

It wasn’t just any man or any men who could serve as gatekeepers.  These were men who it was said of them that they were “strong, capable men” (v. 6), “capable men” (v. 7),  “capable men with strength for the work” (v. 8), “capable men” (v. 9).  They needed to wise, able men, able to work, able to manage the heavy gates and more.


This chapter also gives us insight into the Levitical Treasurers and other Officials.  The Levites had the responsibility of guard duty for the treasuries and items that were part of the plunder from battles.  It was a highly trusted position.

Officers and Judges

The Levites also served as officers and judges over the other tribes.  They were basically the legal part of Israel.  They worked in service of the king.

This office too was not just to any man.  But again, “capable men” (v. 30), “strong and capable men” (v. 31), “capable men” (v. 32) who were heads of families.  This was not just strong physically but strong in character and wisdom.  They were placed as “overseers in every matter relating to God and the king” (26:32).


The Levites were the tribe that were trusted with the most sacred and most important jobs throughout Israel.  Their role was not small and the trust in them was great.  Because of that the men who were chosen were the ones deemed “capable,” “strong” and able to do their jobs well.

Leadership is important.  Choosing strong, capable and good leaders is important for the peace of all.

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