Half-Hearted Following – 2 Chr 25

Have you ever known someone who makes great strides in obedience, then falls, then makes great strides, then falls?  Not because they are trying and struggling but because they are half-hearted?  Trusting others when the fire gets hot?

This was the next king inf line, King Amaziah.  It was said of him,

“He did what was right in the LORD’s sight but not wholeheartedly” (2 Chr 25:2).

You can probably predict the story.  He followed and trusted the Lord, then when the sensuous idols were around he decided to worship another god.   God sent the prophets to rebuke him and of course, he hardened his heart.  He ultimately had to flee from his enemies where they put him to death.

Ugh.  Sounds like a repeat of countless kings of Israel.

It is easy to condemn him for half-heartedness, but how much of that is in my own heart?  How much do I trust the LORD in great projects of His but then doubt him when it comes to needing a miracle for myself?  Or trusting him to protect and provide?  It’s easier to trust Him in some areas, and yet in other areas it’s almost like I act like an unbeliever.

This is no different than Amaziah.  He trusted the LORD in some things but in other areas, he turned away and trusted what he thought was best.

God wants us to trust him for all things, at all times.  This includes our financial provision, our need for him in relationships, our desire to hear him and that he will speak, the miracle when we need it, trusting him when we’re sick and trusting him when the miracle doesn’t seem to come.

Sometimes when fear creeps in, I have to remind myself that I want to be one who trust the LORD fully or not at all.  Not wishy, washy or in-between.  In some areas this is easy.  And other areas it’s a mountain.

But we’re either his followers or not.

Grow in this with me.


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