Alienation of Affection. It happens in marriages all the time. Another comes in and they begin to...
The Banished – 2 Sam 14
It's not as easy as speaking to someone directly. Sometimes people just don't hear that way. But...
Repentance from Sexual Sin – Psalm 51
Sexual expression is a holy covenant between a man and a woman in marriage. In this there is...
The Spirit of Lust Rages On – 2 Sam 13
The sins of the father are learned well by the children. And typically get worse. David had many...
Bringing a King to His Knees – 2 Sam 11
David met a Navy Seal and had him killed. So Uriah wasn't a modern day Navy Seal but he definitely...
Initiated Kindness Gone Sour – 2 Sam 10
This week there was a massive explosion in Beirut from tons of chemical stored unsafely. In a...
Initiated Kindness to One’s Enemies – 2 Sam 9
The heart of David never ceases to surprise and amaze. Even though I've read this story countless...
It was a Bloody Time – 2 Sam 8
David was a warrior, a general and unafraid to battle the armies before him. This chapter is a...
An Enduring Promise – 2 Sam 7
If you ask a parent what brings them more joy, their own accomplishments or that accomplishments...
Why was Uzzah Killed for Touching the Ark of the Covenant? – 2 Samuel 6
David longed to restore God's presence among the people so one thing he decided to do was take...