If you read much of David's life you stand in awe of how on every decision he went before the Lord...
The Death of a King – 2 Sam 4
They thought he would be pleased. What were they thinking? Two leaders of raiding parties from...
The Danger of Conflicting Loyalties – 2 Sam 3
In a moment of anger he confessed that he knew. He knew. He knew that the Lord swore to David...
Civil Unrest Begins in the House of Israel- 2 Sam 2
The changing of leadership is always a volatile time. There will always be some who pursue one...
Honoring the Lord’s Anointed – 2 Sam 1
When an enemy dies or is injured, typically the many will rejoice. But Saul was not an enemy to...
Trauma Redeemed–2 Sam 12 (with Ch 11)
Can you imagine getting raped by your hero? I hope you can't. Unfortunately I know there are...