It's easy to be eclipsed by greatness, and rightfully so. People like Elijah should receive the...
Unlikely Faith – 1 Kings 17
When God needed a person of faith, God spoke to a widow and single mom. Not just any widow but one...
Sliding Down the Pit – 1 Kings 16
Doing evil is easy. Being a bad person is easy. I was talking the other day with someone who was...
Courageous Righteousness – 1 Kings 15
"I grew up in a home that was not so great..." "I'm this way because of how my parents raised...
You Have Flung Me Behind your Back – 1 Kings 14
"You have flung Me behind your back" (1 Kings 14:9) If there is one thing that you don't want the...
After all this… 1 Kings 13
God desires mercy, not judgment. He really does. But He is also no push over. When a crime has...
Standing Firm in the Word YOU Hear – 1 Kings 13
When you hear something from the Lord, it's easy to doubt what you hear. Did I hear correctly? ...
The Split and the Substitution- 1 Kings 12
Nations split. It's a sad reality and it happens often. Even in our lifetimes several nations...
He Did Not End Well – 1 Kings 11
Of all the commands of God, which ones do you think are the least likely to be obeyed and most...
The Wealth Overflows – 1 Kings 10
When we think of Ethiopia we tend to remember the horrible famine of the 80's, a musical rendition...