All of Israel gathered to dedicate the temple to the Lord and the Lord heard. It says the Lord...
Man’s Greatest Need – 1 Kings 8
What in your life that you did if it were put on massive screen for the world to see what cause...
Has Has Done This – 1 Kings 8
I remember hearing a missionary story of a village in Africa where people were dying continuously...
Great Redemptions – 1 Kings 7
The other day I was thinking of Simon Cowell (which really doesn't happen very often). But I was...
The Gold and the Promise – 1 Kings 6
In the 18th Century constructed in Prussia, an extraordinary Amber Room was constructed. It is...
Another’s Dream Unfolding – 1 Kings 5
David's reign was about battles, warefare, fighting and getting established. But because of that...
God’s Heavenly Fire Hydrant of Blessing – 1 Kings 4
When God showered Solomon with wisdom and understanding, he did not hold back but blessed him with...
First Steps – 1 Kings 3
It starts off like a bad dream. "Solomon made an alliance with Pharaoh, king of Egypt by marrying...
Dying Instructions – 1 Kings 2
I think one of the most sacred times in a person's life is when they are dying and passing on...
Transition of Power – 1 Kings 1
It doesn't matter what form of government a nation has, transitions of power can be dicey. And...