"Saul died for his unfaithfulness to the LORD because he did not keep the LORD's word. He even...
The Gatekeepers – 1 Chr 9
The Great Wall of China is so large it can be seen from outer space. It took 500 years to build...
Double Divorce – 1 Chr 8
On rare occasion reading through a genealogy offers something startling. But I was startled when...
The Biblical She(e)ra – 1 Chr 7
If you are from the 80's then you remember the super-hero woman named Shera. She was the Princess...
The God of Joyful Music – 1 Chronicles 6
I was thinking the other day how important music is to worship and life. In the Old Testament...
Birthrights Lost, Blessings Sought and Blessings Lost – 1 Chr 5
What happened to the three Israeli tribes east of the Jordan when everything was falling apart and...
The Prayer of Jabez and More – 1 Chr 4
You never know what you are going to find when you read a genealogy. They are tempting to skip...
Sin, Deeper than We Think- 1 Chr 3
I've been thinking lately of how it is when we sin and commit crimes. We don't feel like gossip...
Snapshots to the Past – 1 Chronicles 2
Cemeteries are oddly enough great placed to explore history. They can have little snippets...
The Earth Was Divided During the Time of Peleg – Gen 10:25; 1 Chron 1:19
"To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided"...