Again I was at a loss of who to pray for when I thought, why not myself? Earlier I had...
Day 19: Unconventional
So tonight I had run out of folks so I did something unconventional, I prayed for the kitty! ...
Day 18: What does it look like?
I discovered someone who had feet and knee problems and as a group we prayed for her. I was...
Day 17 Reflections
When I pray to God with my concerns which include health, I just have this assumption and...
Day 17: The Stomach Bug
I woke up this morning and prayed he would send someone to me today for prayer. He did and...
Day 16: Healing takes different faces
Tonight I kind of had an inkling that I might pray for someone but in a different way. I'm...
Day 15: Guilty
Someone didn't come to church yesterday since she was hurting in her body so I gave her a call...
Day 14: Pain in the Back
I was at church this morning chatting with someone and she mentioned her back was really...
Not for today, that healing and those gifts of the spirit.
I was taught and many believe that the miraculous gifts such as healing have ended. Those...
The line in the sand–John 10
Jesus was creating a big mess. He was healing people, casting out demons and letting people...