The nature of light is boldness.
The Law and the Life–Mt 5:17-20
I was watching Food, Inc the other day it was profoundly disturbing about how our food is...
You, the Light–Mt 5:14-16
Why do you turn a light on? To drive out darkness so that you can see. If someone switched on a...
You are the Salt of the Earth–Mt 5
Jesus on the heels of the beatitudes emphasizes a righteous perspective on persecution. Then he...
A Curious Switch–Mt 5:11-12
'Blessed are those,' 'blessed are they,' 'blessed are the ones'... This is how 8/9 beatitudes...
In a Wrestling Match with the Beatitudes–Mt 5:3-12
If you were to have a snapshot of someone who "hungers and thirst for righteousness," what would...
Livin’ Like a Refugee–Matt 2:13-23
Naked Jesus. It's very much a likely reality that at the ultimate humiliation of the cross Jesus...
Jesus Who Prays
By Robert Velarde Jesus and Prayer Jesus prayed for others. In Matthew 19:13, we read, "Then...
What are we teaching? Mt 28:20
After Jesus told them to go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and...
The Great Commission and a Great Big Mirror – Mt 28:18-20
We've heard it so many times we probably have stopped to ponder it: "Go into all the world and...