Having been driven out of Pisidian Antioch, they went to a town called Iconium and preached. Many...
Of Thirsty People and Jealous Leaders – Acts 13:13-52
Fulfilled. If you want one word for the gospel of Jesus for the Jews, it is that word. ...
Just a Normal Day of Being Opposed – Acts 13:1-12
Where the gospel goes forth, there will be resistance. If believers back down, others will not...
The Multicultural First Church – Acts 13:1-3
The early church truly was a multi-cultural representation of the Mediterranean world. Look at...
Celebrating the Miracles When Others Didn’t Get One – Acts 12
This chapter is one I think on more than I should. The miracle of Peter is amazing. His friend...
Peter had Some Explaining to Do – Acts 11
It was against the Jewish Law to enter the house of a Gentile or even to associate with them. And...
Holy Among the Brutal? A Soldier’s Story – Acts 10
Roman centurions were not known to be soft. They had 100 soldiers underneath them and were...
Bold Confidence of Peter – Acts 9:32-43
Peter had a conviction and a boldness that I would like. When he had met someone who had been...
Is Jesus the Son of God? Acts 9:19-31
It is the most important question. Is Jesus God or isn't he? If Jesus is not God, then even if...
Who He was Really Raging Against – Acts 9:1-19
In modern day language we would call him a terr0rist. His goal was simple - destroy the Christian...