Likely it was more peaceful times, although persecution was strong. A chariot was heading down...
An Empty Conversion? – Acts 8:9-25
It's truly a disturbing story. Simon was a notable magician in the area, but when he saw Philip...
The Other Reason for Signs, Wonders and Miracles (Part 2) – Acts 8:4-8
Biblical signs, wonders and miracles are about freeing others. It is the sick healed, the demonic...
The Blood of the Martyrs – Acts 8:1-3
"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church" Turtullian (155-220AD). Steven preached. ...
He Redeems the Traumatized (Moses) – Acts 7:22
This is the first time I saw it. Of course I've read it countless times but I breezed right on...
Jealousy –> Deadly Results – Acts 6:8-15
It's the same narrative on repeat. God does amazing things through his people. The religious...
Many Might Have Little Care for Widow’s Ministry, but Wow, These Men Took it Seriously – Acts 6:1-7
How many churches have a genuine, thriving, very full ministry to widows? Sure, they are taken...
They Did Not Comply – Acts 5:17-42
When it came to preaching the gospel, they refused to comply when given strong and clear orders to...
The Purpose of Signs and Wonders (Part 1) – Acts 5:12-16
In some faith movements signs and wonders are almost an idol. Let's just say it plainly, in some...