The title alone sounds scandalous but let me explain. First and foremost, we become righteous...
Faith + Works? – James 2 Explained
The Book of James is rich with practical wisdom, but there’s one verse in particular that causes...
How do YOU rejoice exceedingly? – James 1:2
I've been preparing a video series on James and just at the start of it for right now. I did my...
Friends with God – Jms 2:23
Last night tears streamed down my face as I faced the ever-present reality that those I need in my...
The Attractive Aloofness of God
I was reading a book once where a woman was talking to a counselor about how her husband barely...
The demographic that needs you – Deut 27:19; 1 Tim 5:8; Jms 1:27;
It's surprising how much the Scriptures uphold our responsibility to widows. Even in the New...
My God is Jealous–James 4
"He is jealous for me...loves like a hurricane, I am a tree bowing beneath the weight of his wind...
The Mirror
One thing that has been very difficult (and good) is the problem of the mirror. As I've mentioned...
Concentric Circles of Life–James 5:20
"...remember this: whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and...
Do I believe? (Jms 5:16-18)
I was working on these Scriptures and asking myself, "Do I really believe this?" As in, does my...