I'm not sure any discovery can ever top the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls were the...
The Increased Censorship Means I Must Increase
We are seeing massive censorship around the world. People being thrown in jail in the UK for...
Over the Shoulder Social Media
On apps such as YouTube, x and others (not Facebook), you have to ask yourself does it do any good...
Don't make a theology out of your loneliness.
Happy Birthday in Heaven Mom.
See you soon.
Dear World
If you believe that Trump not getting into office or him getting into office is what is really...
Reminiscing on our Sin
Often the reason we let our minds remember the pleasures of sin in the past is that we have lost...
The Security Warning?
In addition to censorship, if you got here many had to get past the security warning. Which is...
Imaginations of the Flesh
Entertaining immoral thoughts in our mind is not harmless, not to ourselves and not to others.
Grief Brain and Messy Posts
I want to apologize for the posts that are not smoothe right now. Lots of typos and disjunctive...