1) Jesus was born of a virgin, supernaturally by the power of Allah according to the Quran. We...
What are Your Thoughts on the Bible vs. These Islamic Writings?
The Quran does not tell us much about Islam's prophet, but the hadith (the Islamic writings), with...
New Faith Notes Doc – Science in the Islamic Writings
We should study our own faith and the faiths of others. We don't practice blind faith but...
Does the Quran ACTUALLY teach that Jesus was Never Crucified?
Without the cross of Christ, there is no forgiveness of sins. Justice was paid at the cross. It's...
It Continues with the Hadith
The hadith (Islam's teachings of the prophet) continue to confound me with more questions. For...
I’ve Been Reading the Hadith
I’ve continued to read the sayings and teachings of Islam’s prophet. And I still have much to...
**NEW BOOK** The Christian’s Essential Guide to Islam
The fastest growing church in the world? It's in Iran. And the second fastest growing church?...
**NEW BOOK** – Not a Muslim – 100 Reasons from the Islamic Sources
Islam is a huge influence in the world, and not just in the Middle East and Central Asia. While...
20 Places Where Jesus Says He is God
It's a great question! Where does Jesus say he is God? It's important.This text is geared to...
Did Jesus Deny Being Good in Mark 10?
The argument goes like this: " Jesus himself denied being good, because only God is good - so...