As mentioned before, instead of going through every proverb, I just want to hit a few that hit me, and this chapter has a few that have hit generations.
1) “The one who works his land will have plenty of food, but whoever chases fantasies lacks sense” (Prov 12:11).
Oh my! How this one has been used in about every single generation by countless parents discouraging their children from trying new endeavors.
‘Just stay home and work the fields and stop trying to get rich.’
But is that what this is saying?
Because if new things were never tried, new risks in business were never taken, then forward progress would not happen.
So let’s look at this more carefully. It’s talking about one who works and the antithesis, fantasy chasers, are perhaps those who don’t work. They want to play. Considering that all of these proverbs are in the antithesis stage, this is very likely what this proverb is about.
It isn’t about a new business adventure, but about working and laziness. I think. I can’t be certain but this seems to be contextually more fitting.
2) “A righteous man cares about his animal’s health” (Prov 12:10).
Having grown up around animals, it boggles my mind that anyone would do anything to the contrary, but we know it happens.
3) “A fool’s displeasure is known at once, but whoever ignores an insult is sensible” (Prov 12:16).
How do you respond when insulted? For me I burn inside and I’m not sure that qualifies me as sensible. Burning in anger is not the same as overlooking someone’s foolishness to overtly insult someone.
4) “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up” (Prov 12:25).
Lately I’ve been doing an udemy course on communication skills. It’s interesting that this very thing is what he has been talking about. If you fixate on heavy things, it weight not just you down but everyone else. It’s not so easy in a world that is going through upheaval right now.
And yet a good word cheers it up. A joyful word can change the atmosphere. Some people are really good at this. For the rest of us we need a lot of practice. But a worthy endeavor because it can change everything.